Thursday, January 26, 2012

Facebook... Professional?

My Facebook Page
If you had told me a few days ago that Facebook was beginning to be used in a professional way, I would have been baffled. Lets face it, when we think of Facebook, we think of embarrassing photos from last weekend, and the endless posts containing the every passing thought of our entire friends list. But now I'm beginning to see the potential; an online resume, that not only tells your future employer who you are in a professional capacity, but can also catch a glimpse of who you are outside of work. I think this last point is important, because you want good people working for you, people with good values.
Just like everyone else, my profile is cluttered with (sometimes inappropriate) photos, posts, and conversations. There is a tonne of stuff that I would never want my parents to see, let alone a potential employer. This is where the Facebook page comes in, showing all the good parts of myself while maybe concealing some of my private life. I created my Facebook page as a class project, to learn how to present myself as a professional to others. However, while I was creating it I began to feel hopeful. It was like speaking to future me, who had accomplished some of my important goals, and who had a bright future. Now I see this page as a sort of stepping stone, and a reminder for the things I want to become. 

This page will be my business card, my resume, and my cover letter. It will introduce me to clients, employers, and fellow veterinarians. It will let me network with others in my field, and allow me to build a community within Facebook to further my career. I think this is an excellent implementation of an already popular social media site. I very much look forward to what is yet to come. 

Always a pleasure sharing my thoughts,

P.S. I specifically chose that photo for my Facebook page because it was taken by Professor Frank Robinson out at the South Campus Poultry Unit during an ANSC 200 lab. It was one of the most enjoyable classes, and Prof. Robinson's intense poultry passion only strengthened my desire to do animal sciences. 

Note: If you're interested, here are some more thoughts on the professional use of Facebook: 

From other students: 

my Facebook page:

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Introduction: about me and my studies

My Home Town  

I guess I'll start by introducing myself..

 My name is Hannah O'Reilly, I am 19 years old, and I am in my second year at the University of Alberta.  I was born and raised in Peace River Alberta, which to be perfectly honest, has nothing to do with the fact that I am studying Pre-Vet medicine. I did not grow up on a farm, nor do I have any desire to live or work on one. Though I have a passionate dedication to animals, and my background is in a rural community, I'm a city girl at heart.  

I have wanted to be a Veterinarian since I was six years old, though only recently I decided that my dream job is to work in Zoos around the world. This dream combines my love of animal care, and my passion for travelling. This path requires approximately 10 years of schooling, A lot of money, and even more willpower, but it's one day at a time. 

Communication plays a huge role in the field I am trying to break into. I must be able to communicate with other Veterinarians/Researchers, and clients, as well as being able to analyze and communicate the results of patient exams. When it comes to medicine, whether human or animal, there is always more to learn. Communication technologies provide a way to access the knowledge of others in my field, and to share experiences with each other that may be beneficial to future patient cases. It is also plays a huge role in building a support system, which is incredibly important in a field so demanding and stressful. 

(still thinking of a catchy sign-off phrase)
until next time, Hannah. 

citation for image:

 Scott Simpson. 2009. Peace River region rejects another hydro dam. retrieved: January 15, 2012, from: