Monday, February 27, 2012

My future in a zoo

Without a doubt, I can say that my dream job would be working in a Zoo.

At first seeing these beautiful animals in cages saddened me, but I started researching (using the internet). A lot of people do not realize that many species would not exist without zoos, and that they are necessary to conservation (Read On!). I am passionate about animal education, and though my primary goal is to act as doctor and nutritionist, I would like to get involved in public education. This is where social media is incredibly useful. Not only can you use it to spread information, but you can create online petitions, and make events.
There are many animal activist groups today, many of which, seem to me, to be uninformed though great at using social media to spread their beliefs. Many of these groups want to see animals released. Animals that have never been in the wild, or who's only companions are in the zoo. My wish, is that these groups would stop fighting the zoo, and start working with them instead. I believe that we have an obligation to these creatures, who's natural habitats are growing smaller every year because of our actions, to give them the best life possible.

did you know that the Siberian Tiger (the largest cat in the world) is endangered? Their numbers are only 400-500 in the wild. Most Siberians live in zoos

Public education is new to me and I may need to enlist the help of fellow conservationists like Jenna to help me along the way. Social media can help me build this kind of network. I know it won't be easy, but if I can make even a small impact on the lives of these, or even future animals, I will have achieved the greatest success possible. 


Image citations:
Dusheck, Jennie. A zoo veterinarian examines the San Diego Zoo's female giant panda cub [Digital image]. (1999). retrieved 27 Feb, 2012, from:

Sartore, Joel. Siberian Tiger [Digital image], retrieved 27 Feb, 2012, from:

Read more: Zoology Researcher - Biology Encyclopedia - body, animal, different, species, ways